Thursday, July 3, 2014

#48 Icy Lane, by my mother Evelyn Rhea Eichen Weiss.1946 Hatchet Year Book, George Washington HS, NYC


The snow feels soft beneath my sodden feet,
As falls white dandelions' feathery down,
And it performs God's greatest winter feat
To present each tree a silver crown.

The world is dressed in creamy winter white,
And gently falling bluish angels' hair
Gives sky and river both a misty light
Which leaves no twig or rock or bridge-post bare.

The icy branches locked above my head
Are much like arbors of the whitest rose
Whose fallen milky petals form a bed
That's oddly tufted by the rabbits' toes.

This scene of ancient beauty I behold
As night writes a new story yet not told.

Evelyn Rhea Eichen, 1946
Age 17

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