Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

It’s a beautiful day. I'm sitting by the window and the air is sunny and breezy. I hear birds chirp between sirens. The hum of fans.  My shoes are off and I debate taking off my socks to let my toes take a breath. The cat jumps next to me with her jittery, darting glance chasing the sirens, birds and unseen wildlife. Waiting softly to pounce something somewhere outside the screen window.
A horn beeps. Beeeep. Beep. Beeee.
I smell a cigarette. Someone sitting somewhere blowing out his or her smoke into the sunbeam.
Yesterday, I went to Dunkin’ Donuts to pick up spring color icing treats for my kid. They are called, Spring Sunshine or Loving Light or something. I want to get the kid Boston Cream but mistakenly get a raspberry filled chocolate heart.  The kid hates jelly. 

There is a man using a walker. He is thin and sunken. I recognize him.

For many years I have seen this man walking his Australian Shepard. The dog is white and gray but has an adorable black circle around one eye but only white surrounding the other. The white eye makes the dog look especially innocent and sweet, a dark eye peeping out of whiteness. The man has good hair like a groomed movie star. Over the years I see him with Key Food grocery bags. Sometimes he is with someone but mostly he is alone, with the dog. I have seen him with a cane hobbling along. Our eyes never met so I believe he has never seen me. I have seen him heavy with a bloated belly and I wonder why he got fat.

Today I see him in Dunkin’ Donuts with the walker. He is thin and looks beat up. I catch myself from staring. As if he would even notice. After I purchase the springtime iced treats I look out the window and he is hailing a cab. He looks unstable as he raises one arm, the other holding steady on the walker. For a moment I want to go outside and help him but I stop myself. I don’t look and he cannot see me.

Let's make the most of this beautiful day, since we're together we might as well say.. 

I've been thinking of him today. I wonder if I will see him again. I will recognize his dog. I know I won't miss them.

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