Sunday, July 13, 2014

#49 Blue

Sitting around the pool at night and it is a strange, beautiful luminous blue; lit by underwater lamps which make the splash of fins look like sparkly, golden droplets of fire which magically dissolve, immediately. And again, with every mermaid's tail twirl and slap the surface.
Breaking the tension.

She breathes underwater. Her hair is weightless seaweed.

Earlier- a cloudy overcast and stormy sky.

As the sun set, the pool, ocean and sky merged into blocky blue tones, like a Rothko. Of course better than a painting, but the rectangles of soft blues, so close in tone, were remarkable.

How light constantly shifts everything with the setting sun, is hard to put into words.

There are Green and Leatherback turtle nests all along the beach. Each nest is protected by tall wooden sticks and florescent tape, so no one will trespass. During July 4th festivities on the beach do wonder, aloud, how the thousands of buried eggs handled the fireworks booming above them.
Grandpa joked, “they must have their fingers in their ears!”
“Grandpa, turtles don’t have fingers!”

The orange deck lamps, hugged in dark blue, are lit so as not to attract any of the older turtles swimming to shore near the dangerous road. Every home on the shoreline has dimmed lighting so turtles won't mistake the moon for anything else.

No one wants to hurt a turtle. 

Every afternoon, there is at least one thunder and lightning storm. Watch the lines of silver lightning pierce the sky. A half dozen rainstorms are spaced apart, miles away.
Dark, hazy streaks connecting the clouds to the ocean.

Oh bla di, oh bla da.

Which direction is the storm headed.

It is humid and the waves are loud.

Time to sleep.

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