Sunday, October 26, 2014

#61 Beautiful Balloons From Big Hearts.

Essie suffered some losses recently. The losses were hard for her, but harder on loved ones even closer to those who passed: beloved in ways words cannot adequately convey. Her heart broke every time they entered her mind and she imagined their beautiful faces. One face belonged to Zander.

A few weeks prior, in early October, Zander’s parents celebrated his 11th birthday. Zander unexpectedly died as a result of a stroke last May. He was his mother’s only child. The spirit and courage it took for them to have a party to celebrate his life was beyond anything Essie could imagine. Organized by some amazing parents, a small group of kids gathered and attached tender notes to balloons from former classmates and hockey teammates at his parent’s home on east 57th Street.

One child made a birthday cake honoring Zander’s favorite baseball team: The Mets. A blue and orange tie-dyed cake was not easy to make, but it was a success thanks to this intrepid and determined young friend. The kids gathered around the dining room table and wrote additional notes, chatted and ate pizza enthusiastically served by Zander’s mom who told Essie, as she scurried a plate of cupcakes into the dining room, “I miss doing things for Zander. This makes me so happy!”

Those words settled on Essie like confetti landing, with slightly sharp edges.

The cake glowed with lit candles and everyone sang Happy Birthday. Everyone ate a piece of cake, and finally, the kids gathered the 20 or so blue and orange balloons, crowded into the elevator and babbled happily to the park on Sutton Place. Right on the East River with a view of the 59th Street Bridge which lit up like a diamond bracelet replete with a full silvery moon nestled close by-brilliantly illuminating the faces of the children. The kids held the balloons and on the count of three released them cheering for Zander to find them above, in the sky. Perhaps headed towards heaven.

They all watched until the last one disappeared from sight. The kids filed out of the park and headed home to do their homework. Zander’s parents looked delighted. It was a beautiful evening; one which will forever remain in Essie’s heart.

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