Wednesday, April 15, 2015

#76 Daffodil On 45th Street

A daffodil grew up the hill and a chocolate egg fell down. It is 45th Street and the flowers smell really great next to the pile of garbage. The design on the side of the sky scraper is geometric genius. And you are sitting in bed. You are recovering!
I wish I could wave a magic wand and turn you into a daffodil and you could be perfect and whole. Fresh and healthy.


Instead, I will dump a bag of chocolate eggs into a bowl and you can eat them. That will make you feel better, because they are so delicious.  They are magic eggs and when you suck on them and they melt in your mouth you will not only recover your strength, you will recover everything in life that you desire. Things that you forgot you ever wanted will suddenly appear. You will create them with you imagination. The one that you forgot you had because you are sick.
Being sick takes a lot of work and it is difficult to have imagination.

So, here are some daffodils.
Chocolate eggs.
And magic.

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