Tuesday, June 30, 2015

#80 The Last Day Of June.

The sun has been shining for three days. Winter was interminable and sunshine is still unbelievable. Each day Essie walks outside and the sun is out she still cannot believe her eyes. Her body is still prepared to recoil in response to harsh wind, cold rain or snow pellets. Each overcast afternoon prepares her for the unexpected change. Waterproof Uggs, foul weather gear,  full face ski mask.


Last week, it rained and umbrellas were turned inside out. Some caught wind and spun upward getting tangled in tree branches, along with garbage bags. She slid her windows shut and retreated beneath her covers expecting clouds to take over for the rest of the week, or month.

Awoken from a dream by cooing doves outside her window, the sun surprised her. Was she really awake? Her cat stretched and pawed her leg then curled between her ankles. Sun strained through the blinds and covered her bed.

Outside the sun caressed her hair as soft wind swept through the green leaves. Rustling easily, carelessly as if never bruised and bent by icicles pushing down branches threatening to test their strength.

Her cat hops off the bed and finds the golden rectangle patch on the carpet and naps. Essie stands at the traffic light and time stands still.

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