Tuesday, June 17, 2014

#45 Gingham Is Taking Over The World

All over the city, men are wearing the exact same patterned shirt: gingham has taken over the world. This morning as the subway was sliding into the 59th Street station I saw an ad on the uptown platform for this patterned shirt. Is it a coincidence that standing right in front of me was a man wearing the exact shirt (navy)? Standing by the door was another man (purple) and seated right next to me, another (orange)!

Layers of gingham: a gingham rainbow!

I don’t get tired of these shirts. There is something refreshing about them as they remind me of ice cream sandwich wrappers from my childhood. My friend always had a box in her basement freezer- next to the chocolate shell ice milk pops. When we peeled the turquoise gingham wrapper off, bready bits of chocolate would attach itself to the wrapper. While scraping it off with our teeth, chocolate always got wedged in our fingernails. It ended up looking like dirt.

These are all purpose shirts: casual or dressy. They always look fresh and crisp and any man wearing one must feel happy.

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