Thursday, May 8, 2014

#29 Debi's Laugh

I’ve much to say on her behalf
yet nothing parallels Debi’s laugh
it’s sort of a snort
but not quite a sneeze
it comes out fast
my warm heart will seize
for the hearty round tone
cool air clapping proud
hear her sweet song
a pure smile out loud.

When not heard for a while
fills the world with regret
but her sound and her smile
reminds me that yet
nothing too close and
nothing so far
flies higher than high
lighting up every star
with a burst and a yelp
the paws of a cat
tasty ice cream
no, not chicken fat!

Please listen closely
close your eyes and feel glad
my sister-in-law’s laugh
is like none ever had
by anyone else
in this world or else where
her joy is a rocket ship
bursting out in the air.

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