Sunday, May 11, 2014

#31 Set Of Keys, Empty Cup and Girl With Blue Hair

Three sisters with blue hair are sitting on the couch. They all wear glasses and Christmas sweaters.  Their physical build varies and it is an interesting guessing game to rank their ages from oldest to youngest.  The middle sister, Barbara, the unofficial spokesperson for the group, volunteers that they live together in a rural part of Pennsylvania. I have images of a modest 50’s Cape Cod which has three separate bedrooms each holding a single bed with floral bedspread. Of course, each room has a dominant color theme:  green, purple and yellow. Each sister is fastidious and organized and not even one speck of dust rests on a wooden nightstand.

Empty cups placed on the sink in each bathroom match the color of the bedrooms, of course. Each sister has one of those plastic Monday-Sunday pill containers, also in corresponding colors so no one will get their pills mixed up.  That, of course, would be a complete disaster.

This happened once when Helen, the oldest sister, was in a rush to get to her hair appointment. She accidentally grabbed Barbara’s green pill container and by the time she swallowed “Monday” she realized that she had made a terrible mistake and felt panic and doom wondering what sort of reaction she might have to Barbara’s medication. She wasn’t even sure what Barbara was taking those days. She wrote a note to Barbara explaining the reason for the missing pills, grabbed the car keys and headed to the beauty salon.

On the drive there she paid close attention to any changes in her body: the woozies, heart palpations, blurring vision and with every breath she took she imagined a new symptom, but she really had to get to her hair appointment. To leave Stan waiting would be rude. In the 40 years she had been going to Stan’s Hair Den, she had only been late once. He assured her that it was all fine, but she noticed him tugging with a bit more strength and pressure when untangling her wet hair with a comb after her shampoo. Her scalp stung for a few days after that appointment and she made a note to herself never to be late again.

Trudy, the youngest sister, has very interesting skin. In addition to her bluish, leaning toward violet hair color, her dark skin has amazing etched lines covering every millimeter of her face and neck. The wrinkles fit into each other with perfection.  Each sister has this detailed skin, but Trudy’s is exceptional.

They are settled together conversing quietly and every few minutes one offers to fetch a nibble or tea for the other.

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