Thursday, April 10, 2014

#18 Describe in Excruciating Detail How You Start Your Morning

7:15 The alarm goes off. NPR wakes me up. A depressing report on Syria spoken in a soothing voice. I am exhausted.
I press snooze.
I hear the coffee grinder in the kitchen and I Praise Jesus for my husband. In this moment I believe, truly.
7:17 Whining child and yelling husband in next room. Cat mewing and racing around. Feed me feed me. Someone feeds him.
7:20 NPR Morning Edition goes on and disturbs the dream I was revisiting and because the dream is more stressful than not, (it involves elevators or escalators or both, and maybe a feral dog or security officer) I turn the alarm off and get out of bed.  I am exhausted.
7:21 I take out my ear plugs which I use every single night. They are blue. I go into the bathroom and remove my gross mouth guard (to protect my teeth from grinding) and I rinse it off and place it back in its container on my night table. It truly disgusts me to know I must rely on this appliance to save my gums and teeth. I feel my age.
7:24 I walk into the living room and greet the always effervescent Pat Kiernan on NY1 TV and kiss him before I walk into the kitchen to check to see if the coffee is a dream or reality. It is real and I open the cabinet and select a cute mug, something handmade from Vermont.  It's the basket weave design with creamy earth tones and it makes me happy as I think of organic gardens and large pine trees with no social stressors. I am exhausted.
7:27 Check my phone for messages and feel sad and relieved there are no messages.
7:30 I pour a cup and use Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk to make the coffee taste just right. (I discovered that I might be lactose intolerant a few months ago, so I'm cautious) I take the cup and sit on the couch next to Greg and we listen to Weather on the 1’s. The cat is still crying and begging for food even though he has not already eaten what was served. He wants scrambled eggs and I momentarily feel dumb that we spoil him but he is so cute.
7:31 After trying various strategies to get her out of bed, which are now rote, boring and predictable, Nell is now sitting at the table. I ask her what she wants to eat and if she wants me or her dad to make it. I am exhausted.
7:35 I win, so I tell her to make it herself.
7:38 She goes into the bathroom because she has to, so I put a piece of bread in the toaster and pour her a glass of milk and remember to take out her pill. She doesn’t like the bread fully toasted but warm and I ask if she wants Nutella or butter. Butter today.
7:40 She comes back to the table, is not eating and is talking a lot. She doesn't stop blabbering and singing. I am exhausted.
7:45 The blabbering and misplacing time crescendos into yelling about picking out her clothes, getting dressed and packing her lunch and homework. Her hair isn’t yet brushed but her teeth are. This is boring and predictable.
7:50 She eats her bread and leaves the crust.
7:55. The ultimatum is established and she will have to 1) pay attention to the clock or 2) be late for school and she can tell The Principal herself. I am exhausted.
8:00 She dresses quickly, brushes her hair and is out the door after hugs and kisses.
8:01 Back to the couch to watch Weather on the 1’s, again. No changes in the weather. I am exhausted.
8:02 Pee.
8:05 Wash face and hands and then pick out work clothes, get dressed and apply make-up.
8:10 Have some toast with peanut butter or nothing. Take my medication.  I am exhausted.

8:10 Put on yoga clothes and head to yoga studio for Mysore. I am exhausted.

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