Wednesday, April 16, 2014

#21 Life Is A Goat. Is Life A Goat?

Life is a goat, a Scape Goat.
I was raised with this belief. I come from a large herd of Scape Goats, or family, or just a bunch or a group. Definitely related to each other and worked our Scape Goat techniques in a nicely coordinated effort. Being goats, it is was the natural thing to do, like eating straw and garbage and pooping hard brown pellets and getting other goats to stare into our devil- eyed faces. Our little mouths chew constantly and some of us have little cute stubby horns protruding from our bony heads. We never blink and have these strange irises and horizontal pupils: perfect combination of cute and spooky.  Cuooky!

Our lashes are long and attractive and we have the littlest cloven feet and kick a bit if we feel like it. Our hair is wiry and attractive and our tails are short and wave around a lot! We are a nervous bunch. Us Scape Goats never grow tired of waiting around until something happens to us. We shudder and scamper in such neurotic ways that it seems like our brains are tiny marbles rattling around inside our bony heads. The marbles are what you see when looking into our zombie eyes. Sorry to all you Scape Goat lovers out there, but these are the facts. We are like bovine zombies who move horizontally and forward as if being operated by a drunk remote controller. Perhaps another goat who thinks it’s funny to use its herd to act stupid. See? Scapegoated by the goat.

I’ve been trying so hard to work out this Scape Goat thing. It fills a few of us Scapies (I like to call myself) with so much shame and frustration and I am fairly positive it is genetic or perhaps environmental. We aren’t good for much except working ourselves into a frenzy and bumping into each other because our sense of social space is non-existent. We shuttle around in an anxious pack waiting for, well, not much except food or the other shoe to drop, which we don't mind. Being outside is nice, but not much captures our attention or makes us feel especially comfortable. We are sort of impervious to physical pain, but end up, quite willingly, taking the blame for almost everything. We were made for this, literally.

Goats are sure footed and climb steep inclines and stand for hours without tipping over.

Top that.

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