Monday, April 28, 2014

#25 With Broken Tooth, Haircut, and Abdominal Pain

Slowly, slowly going up the roller coaster hill. Seated, tilting backward with gravity holding you down. The earth is at an angle never seen before. It’s pretty wonderful and dramatic and everyone is clenching their teeth.

Rising above everything and it is all tiny, realizing that the only thing making secure contact is a rickety metal container and pole keeping you in place on wooden tracks. 

The sea is there. Out there, and it looks stable. Grey and calm and a few whitecaps appear and vanish like nothing new.
This is like the first 50 years, maybe. Expectation of moving onto a place above everything, experiencing something new and exhilarating  Clicking along the tracks and looking from side to side knowing that things will absolutely change.

Doing what everyone else wants- and what you want, too.  You thrive and survive and sit there and move up. Clicking forward.  Looking up ahead you can see the top. Wow, it’s high up here. I’ve never been this high off the ground before. Pretty exciting.

Going through the motions, etc. Clicking along like there is a future, for sure.

Then suddenly there is a drop. Zoom! Gravity plunges the cars downward and swoops around and everyone screams and some lift their arms in the air and laugh.

Everyone is scared to death and it is incredibly fun.

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