Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#13 From The Sick Bed

The sickbed is where the tired, weary, sweaty and weak rest until they are capable of standing on their own.  

Infirm, dizzy with fever, oozing and bloated make it impossible to fetch ones’ own water or tea.

Visions of Scarlet Fever and Bubonic Plague remind her of the current luck in this sickly situation: no bedpans, but available fluffy pillows (soon to be drenched with sweat and maybe nose or other orifice blood).

She falls onto her bed crying from the mental anguish imposed by a (perceived) verbal assault, making it a true sick bed. Tears fall on her pink pillow and stuffed animals. All exposed will succumb to the crying sickness and the primary symptom is inability to leave the bed (and crocodile tears).

Waiting time for recovery is anywhere from a few minutes to an entire season. Unpredictable.

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